Cherryfield Ecology has been surveying a
site for bats in Hampshire these last few weeks, not only are there bats using
the building but also bees.
This survey is
known as an emergence/pre-dawn re-entry survey and is required when house
building or alternations are being sought. As bats are a protected species
these are a material consideration in the planning process.
Bees however
are not protected, which is pretty mad considering that without them a lot of
our own food crops just wouldn’t last or would be very hard to grow and
produce. These include, but are not limited to, produce such as beans, peas,
raspberries and tomatoes (BCT, 2017).
The UK has 250
different species of bee, 25 are bumblebees (those that we see in the garden)
one honey bee and the remaining are solitary bees.
The hive we
found was a honey bee hive, these are semi-domesticated (BBOWT, 2017) and
produce honey for human consumption. The hive will have a queen, who lays eggs
and workers who look after the young. There are also drone males who mate with
the queen to produce off-spring.
As bees are so
important the owner has been advised to contact the local beekeepers association
and have the hive removed and relocated before the building is demolished to
make way for the new dwelling. The same will happen with the bats under a
license once planning is granted.
BCT (Bumblebee
Conservation Trust), (2017), All about bees, online at,
accessed on 22/05/2017
BBOWT (Berks,
Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust), Honey Bees, online at, accessed on 22/05/2017